Reviewer for the following Journals 

1-International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences, Ain-Shams University, Faculty of computer and Information Sciences

2- Information Technology Research Journal

3- Mansoura Journal for Computer Science and Information Systems, MCSIS

4- The Egyptian Int. Journal of Eng. Sciences & technology (EIJEST), Zagazig Univ., Faculty of Eng.

5-, International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2-8-2011,

6- International  Journal of  Computers and Information, Faculty of computers and Information, Menoufia University, Egypt

7- Mansoura Journal of Mathematics,  MJM, Mansoura Univ., Faculty of Sciences

8- African Journal of Business Management, 30-4-2013

9- Scientific Research and Essays, 2-5-2013.

10- International Journal of Modern Engineering Sciences

11-  International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC)